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Sci-fi Prototype Time Machine


Cyndi Coon

Year Collected:


Change Your Future. One Story at a Time.
A game challenging players to creatively design a time machine concept and explore its societal impact, blending speculative storytelling with future-focused innovation.

Hope to Inspire:

This sci-fi prototyping tool provides a framework for developing a science-fiction prototype centered around a time machine. It encourages creative exploration while grounding the concept in positive, forward-thinking ideas.

Invitation to Interact:

Get the sci-fi Prototyping time machine tool here:

Creator Bio:

Cyndi Coon, founder and CEO of Laboratory5 and Applied Futures Lab, co- founded Threatcasting Lab. She is an experiential futurist specializing in Threatcasting and Futurecasting, focusing on identifying future threats and opportunities through human-centered innovation and creativity.

Cyndi Coon

More info:


©Cyndi Coon 2024

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