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Future Flashcards


Cyndi Coon

Year Collected:


Envision Tomorrow, One Card at a Time.

A thought-provoking tool to inspire reflection, active engagement, and action by exploring key concepts that shape the future.

Hope to Inspire:

The cards encourage users to explore how current trends in areas like human development, peace, and sustainability could evolve and impact society. By provoking thought about opportunities and challenges, they deepen understanding of personal roles in creating equitable, flourishing futures for all.

Invitation to Interact:

Creator Bio:

Cyndi Coon, founder and CEO of Laboratory5 and Applied Futures Lab, co- founded Threatcasting Lab. She is an experiential futurist specializing in Threatcasting and Futurecasting, focusing on identifying future threats and opportunities through human-centered innovation and creativity.

Cyndi Coon

More info:


©Cyndi Coon 2024

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